

Not much is known about Kwannon's life, not even her last name. She was raised to be an assassin by the Hand; to be "the enemy of peace". Kwannon fell in love with a boy and gave birth to a daughter. This displeased her masters, who killed her lover and took her daughter away from her. She eventually became the prime assassin of their ranks.

After the apparent death of Elizabeth Braddock, she made a return in Kwannon's body. She explained that as her astral form wandered between our world and the next, she encountered the mind of a woman trapped in a coma. Once "helping" Kwannon to move on and find peace, Betsy was granted the use of her body.

Since The Five have been resurrecting fallen mutants, Kwannon has been reborn into her original body, thus publically revealing she was trapped within her own body the entire time, watching whilst aflame as Betsy piloted her temple.


Advanced Telekinetic Combatant: As a telekinetic, she often uses her powers to augment her strength and speed, which made her fighting skills so strong that she was able to match and even outmatch other superhumanly strong opponents like a holographic version of Sabretooth in the Danger Room. Psylocke was also able to match Rogue’s attacks during a training session, despite the fact that Rogue had greatly enhanced speed and strength at the time.

Astral Projection: Can project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical plane. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment.

Flight: Psylocke can personalize her TK in such a way that she's able to levitate and propel herself through the air at variable speeds.

Kekkei Genkai: A vermillion mark called upon at will, granting shadow travel and three additional forms based on the three forms of matter.

Master Martial Artist: Psylocke has been classified as a master martial artist, though the specific fighting arts she has mastered have never been revealed. Presumably, as a ninja, she is skilled in various Ninjutsu techniques such as Taijutsu and Kenpo. Even though she is known as a ninja and worked for The Hand as one, her fighting skills and techniques far surpass those of the average Hand Ninja or Crimson Dawn Undercloak. Her skills have been said to rival those of a ninja grandmaster (10th Dan level black belt or above). Psylocke has also received additional training from the Age of Apocalypse version of Sabretooth and an alternative reality version of Ogun that vastly developed her skills in this area. Psylocke is also very well versed in the use of all Ninja weapons, stealth methods, silent movement, infiltration, concealment, escape & evasion, covert methods, Ninja espionage, and Ninja acrobatics.

Master Telepathic Combatant: As a telepath, Psylocke takes advantage of her powers in a fight by reading her opponents' movements seconds before they make them, giving her the opportunity to counter-attack faster, and she can also use her telepathy to mask her presence from other people, humans and super-humans alike. She also creates telepathic illusions to distract her enemies while fighting them and as a ninja, she uses her psychic knife to incapacitate her opponents without killing them.

Ninjutsu Master: Her time in the Hand instilled an adept understanding of ancient Japanese Chakra mystics.

Psionic Shadow: Psylocke is able to mask her presence from others. Her abilities can go undetected and are very difficult to track, even by very powerful telepaths such as Shadow King. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well.

Precognition: Psylocke occasionally has precognitive dreams.

Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: She can use her telekinesis to enhance her speed, strength, agility, and other fighting skills to super-human levels.

Telekinetic Weapons: Psylocke, since before showed great versatility over her telekinesis, in which she uses to construct psionic weapons that damage a target either physically, mentally or both in some point. She showed skill in using creating multiple types of psionic weapons that differ in size, length and power which she uses in combat. She has even been just using her raw psi-energy for energy blasts.

Telepathy: She possesses mental powers to affect and manipulate the minds of other sentient beings. Psylocke can read minds and communicate mentally with others over long distances. When she telepathically communicates with another person over a distance, that person often perceives her presence as a butterfly-like image bearing large eyes on its wings.


HEIGHT 5'11.
WEIGHT Varies.
RACE Mutant.
BODY TYPE Stallion.
EYE COLOR Purple/Golden ( Obsidian Form. )
SKIN COLOR Golden tan. ( 3 on Fitzpatrick scale )
HAIR COLOR & STYLE Violaceous. Long, usually middle or side part.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS A carmine emblem along her left eye (accompanied with the use of her Kekkei Genkai )
CITIZENSHIP Japanese, Krokaon.
USUAL CLOTHING A vantaviolet leotard that collars at the neck with matching bands around her arms that lead to long, selectively fingered gloves and similar bands on her thighs with high boots; eventually tied together with a cerise sash around her waist, excess flowing freely. When not in her classic attire or Hand uniform, dark fabric with complex cuts are her preference.
TITLES Psylocke.


Demonstrates a newfound immunity to all kinds of telepathy - whether communication or attacks. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #456-459]
Jean Grey ( Age of Apocalypse / Earth - 235 ) unlocks Psylocke's mind, elevating her telepathy to that of an Omega level mutant [Uncanny X-force #17]
Psylocke now possesses Jean Grey's telekinetic power [X-Men (2nd Series) #100]